Friday, January 19, 2007

High Society - Who THEY are

Ever heard the phrase; "THEY are behind it all." or "It's all THEIR fault, or "THEY are just Liars, Murders & Thieves."
'THEY' this or 'THEY' that, but have you ever truly wondered who "THEY " are? Some think "THEY" are the government, but THEY aren' TRUTH, 'THEY' own the government. 'THEY' decide who gets to play and who has to pay. 'THEY' figure it should be up to them as to who lives and who dies...but again, I ask you; "Who are THEY?"
As mentioned in the past, to find the right answers, we must first find the right questions.
Has anyone ever noticed that we have a "High Society", but no "Low Society". I mean, we have a 'Low Class', a 'Medium Class', and a 'High Class', but we only have "society" in general, or "High Society". Strange that it is 'High Society' and not GOD, that dictates how people are allowed to live and how they are not. Are the decisions being made based on NEED or GREED? Are these ByLaws made for the benefit of the many by the few, or for the exclusion and control of the many by the few? Society calls itself "civilized", and yet has built itself up by being anything but.
Here is a piece of writing from the year 1845 that provides a bleak and sobering thought even today, as poverty and torture continues in the "FREE WORLD", but is prevented from being FACTUALLY reported by the media. Whether by force or choice, they only "Make the NEWS instead of Report the TRUTH."
"When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another, such injury that death results, we call the deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call this deed MURDER.
But when society places hundreds of proletarians, which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet;
When it deprives thousands of the necessities of life, places them under conditions in which they are unable to live- forces them, with the strong arm of the law, to remain in such conditions until that death ensues, which is the inevitable consequence- knows that these thousands of victims must perish and yet permits these conditions to remain,
it's deed is MURDER.
Just as surely we the deed of the single individual;
disguised, malicious murder, murder against which none can defend himself, which does not seem what it is, because no man sees the murderer, because the death of the victim seems a natural one, since the offence is more of one of omission than of commission.
But MURDER it remains..."
- frederick engels (1845)
Now what are you going to do about it...perhaps you have been unaware that by your actions of supporting society, you have FACTUALLY been making yourselves accessory to MURDER on a spiritual level. It's the entire; "I gave at the office" mentality that has brought us to where we are. Stop giving at the office and start to make it personal...stop giving money to corrupt organizations that defer the monies away from those they are supposed to be helping and DO IT YOURSELF.
LEARN the TRUTH, and the wisdom of Jesus, when he shared the story of the "GOOD SAMARITAN."
He didn't say act as the Holy Man, or the countryman, BOTH of whom walked past the man in need, but to act as the good Samaritan who saw a person in NEED, and helped them, even though he was NOT a countryman, nor a person of his FAITH...he WAS a person in NEED.
Blessings & Shalom


  1. Tht was a very nice and thought provoking post :)

    //LEARN the TRUTH, and the wisdom of Jesus, when he shared the story of the "GOOD SAMARITAN."
    He didn't say act as the Holy Man, or the countryman, BOTH of whom walked past the man in need, but to act as the good Samaritan who saw a person in NEED, and helped them, even though he was NOT a countryman, nor a person of his FAITH...he WAS a person in NEED.//

    This was 2 good and i see that u have taken great effort 2 collect related text... Thts really great! :)

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    Very good post and beautiful site!
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  4. I agree to the extent of what it says. but carry your arguement out to its fullest extent. there is a far greater implication to that parable not being addressed.


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