Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 The PATH is ahead of you...which way do you go?

Breathe DEEP...Breathe SLOW.

Sit through the silence, to find your voice.

Walk through the darkness, to find your light.

Seek out your Gifts, for they are there and waiting.

Breathe DEEP...Breathe SLOW.

Face your fears, so you may master them.

Control your anger, so you may master it.

Fear and Anger are the allies of the enemy, deny them those allies and they will quickly become yours instead.

Breathe DEEP...Breathe SLOW.

Don't start fighting them....Stop supporting them and prepare for their fall.

Close your banks and cut up your credit cards.

Walk with nothing so you may learn to focus on what you need, instead of what you want.

Breathe DEEP...Breathe SLOW.

Don't go on strike, stop working for those that kill and destroy.

Do what you love for free and the world will find a way to repay you

Help others with your gifts, by raising up others you both become stronger.

Breathe DEEP...Breathe SLOW.

Change your three 'R's to Recognize, Re-Examine, Realize.

Use the C.A.R.E process: Creation, Adaptation, Realization, Evolution. (Creation and Evolution are not in opposition, they are the bookends of the same process).

Use all 7 Senses - 7 notes, 7 colours, 7 senses - Intuition(A,Indigo,6th) and Empathy(B,violet,7th)

Breathe DEEP...Breath SLOW.

Now off you go.

Breathe DEEP...Breathe SLOW.