Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas

 Blessings One & All

Even though it's not Christ's birthday and it was created to start a religion and Santa Claus was actually created by Coca Cola as a marketing tool i still like to 'Bless Everyone' in hopes they stop living as fools and seek wisdom instead.

True intelligence is recognizing our own stupidity.

My GIFTS for ALL include an ancient copy of the BIBLE.

the 'Art of Wire Tree-Making'

And the 'Law of Life'

That you may learn to live by GOD & LAW as Christ taught instead of how religion preaches. You only need to walk a mile as Christ taught (Luke 9:3) to learn that for yourself. It is a Spiritual Path but Religious folks talk themselves out of walking instead of walking the Talk. 

Jesus taught you to 'Walk in Faith' but religions teach you can just sit around believing instead. Fast to their lips but far from their hearts.

"Lie is at the center of believe because only the Truth shall set you free whether you believe it or not...Have Faith and 'Seek it'." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive) 

"The 'Leap of Faith' is letting go of the 'Make Believe System' in order to 'Seek the truth' in all things." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

"It is not for me to determine between the fools and the wise but to share my words equally that their actions show for themselves which they are." -Pope Vincent (Glory of the Olive)

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